Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yujeong Suh / My attitude toward writing / Tues 3-4

I have both positive and negative feelings about writing. Most times, I like to write. The reason I am usually positive about writing is that I like the process of making my writing better. The process means getting feedbacks from professors and peers, using those feedbacks or information to revise my writings and making one final essays. After all these activities, I really feel I have accomplished something and learned new things. So it is why I enjoy writing.

However, I do not always like writing. Sometimes I feel negative about writing. It is because writing requires me a series of headwork. It is mostly when I have to come up with some reasons or examples to support my opinion but cannot think of anything. This process usually takes up so much time and effort and it is usually bothersome and requires me patience. I think persuading others or telling important things to others by writing is not an easy work.
Although I have mixed feelings about writing, I will not quit practicing writing but continue to study writing and finally want to be a good writer who can influence others in a positive way.


  1. I have the same difficulties when I have nothing to write. Usually when I have no time for the homework or when writing about something I never cared about. If so, I just pause for a short time. I think cooling down my brain is a good way to write without much stress.

    Lee Jong-ho

  2. I have similar problems as yours. When I write essays for school, I always have a hard time coming with proper examples and reasons that would logically support my arguments. Since this process takes up a lot of time, I do get negative feelings about writing too, especially timed-writing.
    Soohee Oh

  3. 201301616 Yujeong Suh

    Paying forward

    “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the ways~” Carols were singing and Christmas lights from trees were shining like stars. People were hurrying their steps toward their home. Most of them seemed happy with smiles on their face. At the same time, freezing cold was piercing through people’s hand and feet. Among those people, about 30 teenagers were standing in the middle of the street. I was one of those 30 teens.
    It was Christmas eve. To me, it used to be the day with expectations. Every Christmas eve, I had enjoyed the day with my family. We usually had been in a restaurant waiting for some delicacies. Also, when I went to my bed, I expected to see gifts above my head the next day I woke up. Of course, it was my parents who paid the expenses and all I had to do was to receive from my parents.
    However, I had a different Christmas eve this time. My school decided to raise money for charity and donate the money to unfortunate neighbors like orphanage. Frankly speaking, I did not voluntarily participate in the event. I had no choice but to follow the majority’s opinion. So before I went to the place, I was unsatisfied because I thought the day would be tough.
    When I arrived at the place, I realized that it was more than I had expected. There were no such things like White Christmas. The weather was awfully cold. The wind was severely blowing as if it was trying to throw me away. The chilly feeling penetrated into my hands and feet that I could not stop stamping my feet. In this freezing cold, we started to raise charity. We prepared a big box with some decorations. So, all we needed to do was to make people put money to the box. However, there the problem emerged. People were so busy hurrying their steps to their destinations that they hardly noticed us. We were just stuck in the middle of the extreme cold with no one even try to glance us.
    It was true that we were in a tough situation but anyway we had to overcome and break through. At first, most of the classmates including me muttered, “Why do we have to be in this trouble?” However, complaining could not be the ultimate solution. To raise money that we had planned to earn (about $30 for each class), we first had to get people’s attention so that they could donate their money. The first thing we did was to use microphone and tell people on the street about our purpose. Some people started to turn their head to us as we used microphone and maximized our voice. Among those, some came toward us and put money in the box. I was impressed by the first step toward success. However, still it was not enough. We had to show people something special to tell that we were desperate. So we decided to make a small performance to entertain people and lead them to donate their money. We sang carols that we had practiced for the school Christmas festival. We were confident about the song because we really practiced a lot even though it was not for the charity at that time. Before, we were unsure whether the performance could work. However, it made a huge change. Many people began to recognize us and quite many of them seemed to get interested to our performance. People came toward us. Also, we realized that one person’s attention brought another one’s. Even people we didn’t watch the performance come to us and donate the money. By the miraculous turning point, we finally could reach the goal that we had planned to earn.
    Although it was a tough experience, I had special and meaningful Christmas eve day. Before the charity event with my classmates, I thought that Christmas day was the romantic day with some delicacies and fancy gifts. However, after the day, I realized that I could be another Santa Clause to others. I received some wonderful gifts to Santa (who were actually my parents) when I was young but this time I could pay forward to help others.
