Sunday, October 12, 2014

So-Eun Yoon/ Chapter3 first draft/ Tuesdays 34

               A Great Mentor of My Life


So-Eun Yoon


           When I think of the word "professor," it always reminded me of someone who is knowledgeable but stiff and narrow-minded. All the other professors I met in school were much like turtles only sticking their head out of their shells when it was time to give lectures. After the bell rang for recess, they would go back into their shells and stick their nose into papers and never come out again. But someone I met in college completely changed how I view professors. His name is Joseph Vincent.


           I remember the first day of his presentation class. Being a freshman, I was full of great expectations for my new classes and professors. Although I rarely sit in front of the classroom, I was running a bit late that day, and the only seats left in the classroom were those in the front row. But when Professor Vincent entered the room with a relaxed, confident smile on his face, I knew that moment I would love this class. His class was what made Wednesdays my favorite day of the week for the entire year.


           What made Professor Vincent distinct from all the other professors was his young and free mindset. He was a man in his late forties; in fact, he was the exact same age as my dad, but talking to him made me feel no different from talking to my college friends. Instead of trying to infuse certain ideas or values in his students, he viewed his students and himself as two humans simply sharing their thoughts and experiences. Nobody was there to teach or to judge. We were just separate individuals helping each other grow and evolve into more mature humans. In all of the three classes I took from him, he never assigned a presentation topic to his students. Rather, he let us choose our own topic and talk about anything we wanted as long as it had a clear purpose and benefit to the audience. Not only that, but he never forgot to return each one of his students a sincere feedback on how to become better presenters after listening to their talk.


           To me, having a chance to know Professor Vincent was a blessing in my life. He has enriched my life in so many ways. He taught me that age is really nothing but a number as long as you keep your mind healthy and young. If I could grow up to have such a youthful mind even when I reach his age, I would call my life a great success.




  1. From Choi Yun To So-Eun Yoon
    1. Write one sentence to sum up what this person is like.
    He is the most wonderful professor she has ever met.

    2. List three details from the essay that support your sentence in step 1.
    What made Professor Vincent distinct from all the other professors was his young and free mindset.
    To me, having a chance to know Professor Vincent was a blessing in my life.
    He has enriched my life in so many ways.

    3. (1) What the person looks like (X)
    (2) What the person says (X)
    (3) What the person does (O)
    Rather, he let us choose our own topic and talk about anything we wanted as long as it had a clear purpose and benefit to the audience.
    (4) What other people say about the person (X)

    4. Were there any things in this essay that you did not understand? If so, what were they?

    5. Why do you think the writer chose to describe this particular person?
    I think she chose him because he is one of the most memorable people in her life.

    6. Write one or two questions about the person described in this essay that you would like the writer to answer in the next draft.
    Since the writer already gave plentiful information, there is no question about him.

  2. 1. Write one sentence to sum up what this person is like: Professor Vincent seems like a free-spirited and comfortable person to be around with.
    2. List three details from the essay that support your sentence in step 1.
    a) “relaxed, confident smile on his face”
    b) “his young and free mindset.”
    c) “talking to him made me feel no different from talking to my college friends.”
    A. What the person looks like- “He was a man in his late forties”
    B. What the person does- He connects to the students with an open mind and gives sincere feedback.
    C. What other people say about the person.- Not mentioned.
    4. Were there anything in this essay that you did not understand? If so, what were they? No.
    5. Why do you think the writer chose to describe this particular person? Professor Vincent enriched her life in so many ways and taught her that age is nothing but a number as long as you keep your mind young and healthy.
    6. Write one or two questions about the person described in this essay that you would like the writer to answer in the next draft. / I think it would help if you add some description about his appearance and also what people say about it.

    Thank you for sharing. The last line was beautiful. :)


  3. So-Eun Yoon(Final draft)October 16, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    A Great Mentor of My Life

    So-Eun Yoon

    When I thought of the word “professor,” it always reminded me of someone who is knowledgeable but stiff and narrow-minded. All the other professors I met in school were much like turtles only sticking their head out of their shells when it was time to give lectures. After the bell rang for recess, they would go back into their shells and bury their nose in books and never come out again. But someone I met in college completely changed how I view professors. His name is Joseph Vincent.

    I remember the first day of his presentation class. Being a freshman, I was full of great expectations for my new classes and professors. Although I rarely sat in front of the classroom, I was running a bit late that day, and the only seats left in the classroom were those in the front row. But when Professor Vincent entered the room with a relaxed, confident smile on his face, I knew that moment I would love this class. He had a slim, long body and spoke with such great charisma that he could mesmerize the audience in an instant. Professor Vincent would always say that the younger generations should not become slaves to the consistently changing technology. We should not be one of those people who are sitting in a restaurant with their family but are constantly checking their phones and texting their friends without talking to each other. “People nowadays walk around clinging to their phone or plugged into it with earphones, peering into it to avoid the fear of being alone.” I always loved listening to him talk. His voice was soft but powerful enough to always captivate our attention. His class was what made Wednesdays my favorite day of the week for the entire year.

  4. What made Professor Vincent distinct from all the other professors was his young and free mindset. He was a man in his late forties; in fact, he was the exact same age as my dad, but talking to him made me feel no different than talking to my college friends. Instead of trying to infuse certain ideas or values in his students, he viewed his students and himself as two humans simply sharing their thoughts and experiences. Nobody was there to teach or to judge. We were just separate individuals helping each other grow and evolve into more mature humans. In all of the three classes I took from him, he never assigned a presentation topic to his students. Rather, he let us choose our own topics and talk about anything we wanted as long as it had a clear purpose and benefit to the audience. Not only that, but he never forgot to return each one of his students a sincere feedback on how to become better presenters after listening to their talk.

    To me, having a chance to know Professor Vincent was a blessing in my life. He has enriched my life in so many ways. He taught me that age is nothing but a number as long as you keep your mind healthy and young. If I could grow up to have such a youthful mind even when I reach his age, I would call my life a great success.
